Create Scan

Create a New Scan

POST /v1.1/scans

Create a scan which analyzes smart contracts. Scans can either be created by included the source files or by specifying the blockchain id and the contract address. There are two types source code analysis, "ai" and "codescan".



The body is a "params" JSON object with the following keys

Upload Scan Example

file1 = Path('./example.sol').read_text()
file2 = Path('./example2.sol').read_text()
file3 = Path('./example3.sol').read_text()
key = "<your auditbase key>"
host = ''
route = '/v1.1/scans'
url = host + route
post_data = {
        "source": "upload",
        "name": "scan1",
        "files": [{"file_name": "file1.sol", "content": file1},
        {"file_name": "file2.sol", "content": file2}]
        "webhook_url": "https://yourwebhook/webhook",
        "type": "ai",
        "language": "solidity",

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': f'Bearer {key}',

response =, json=post_data, headers=headers)
print("response: ", response.json())

Blockchain Explorer Scan Example.

A list of acceptable values for the chain_id are listed here.

key = "<your AuditBase key>"
host = ''
route = '/v1.1/scans'
url = host + route

post_data = {
          "source": "explorer",
          "chain_id": 1,
          "contract_address": "0xCC7ed2ab6c3396DdBc4316D2d7C1b59ff9d2091F",
          "webhook_url": "<your webhook callback address>",
          "type": "codescan",

headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Authorization': f'Bearer {key}',

response =, json=post_data, headers=headers)
print("response: ", response.json())


returns ScanPlacement Result Object

  "success": true,
  "scan_id": "60188023-0b6f-4994-ba15-3d973efb0711",
  "webhook_url": ""

Webhook Response

Once a scan completes, AuditBase will callback a webhook with the following data:

    "status": "success",
    "scan_id": "d50d67c6-3b5a-4a9e-86e6-e18a19b1efa2",
    "score": 8.2,
    "num_lines": 721,
    "timestamp": 1726804295
    "severity_counts": {
        "high": 0,
        "low": 2, 
        "medium": 1,
     "issues": [
             "count": 1, 
             "description": 'The division cannot overflow, since both the numerator and the denominator are non-negative.', 
             "id": 'd50d67c6-3b5a-4a9e-86e6-e18a19b1efc1', 
             "identifier": 'G013', 
             "severity": 'gas_optimization', 
             "snippet": '```solidity\nFile: tmp/4dba7fd7-4c36-4683-aac7-e69dfeb11e1f/23309182-e8eb-4236-b00c-0e6e622a56bc.sol\n\n74              uint fee = (amount * taxCollected) / 100;\n\n```\n', 
             "title": '`unchecked {}` can be used on the division of two `uints` in order to save gas'

Last updated