File Upload

To enhance the efficiency and organization of our project submission and review process, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following detailed steps. This structured approach is designed to ensure that your project is not only successfully submitted but also ready for a thorough analysis and review.

  • Start by clicking the "+ New Project" button, located on the right-hand side of the screen within the AuditBase interface. This is your first step towards bringing external projects into your AuditBase account.

  • Input Project Name: Begin the submission process by entering a distinctive and descriptive name for your project in the "Project Name" field. This step is crucial, as the project name serves as a unique identifier throughout the review process. A well-chosen name simplifies the tracking and retrieval of your project within our system, facilitating easier access.

  • Upload .sol File: After naming your project, proceed to upload your Solidity programming files. It is essential that these files carry the ".sol" extension, indicating their adherence to the Solidity programming language standards. This specificity ensures that the files can be correctly compiled and analyzed, laying the groundwork for an accurate evaluation of your project's technical merits.

  • Click Start Scan: With your project name specified and your Solidity files uploaded, the final step is to initiate the analysis process by clicking on the "Start Scan" button. This action triggers our system to begin a comprehensive examination of your submission, employing a series of automated checks and analyses to assess the quality, security, and efficiency of your Solidity code.

The design of this submission process is intentionally straightforward to enhance the user experience, aiming to eliminate complexities and potential obstacles. Our goal is to ensure that your project is not only submitted efficiently but also cataloged correctly within the system. This allows for your work to be accessible for both immediate review and future reference, facilitating ongoing analysis and potential iteration.

Last updated