GitHub Integration

Connect GitHub App:

  • Look for and select the "Connect GitHub App" button on the following screen. This option is particularly recommended for developers, as it streamlines the process of integrating GitHub repositories with your AuditBase account.

Link Your GitHub Account:

  • Proceed by clicking on the "Link Your GitHub Account" button. You will be redirected to the GitHub sign-in page, a critical step for linking your accounts and enabling the integration.

GitHub Sign-In:

  • On the GitHub sign-in page, enter your GitHub username or email address and password. Click "Sign in" to authenticate your account and authorize the connection to AuditBase.

Import Repository Page:

  • After successfully linking your GitHub account, you will be automatically directed to the "Import Repository" page within AuditBase. Here, you have the opportunity to import your existing GitHub repositories directly into your AuditBase account. This page facilitates the selection and importation of repositories, making it easier to manage your projects in one centralized location.

Completing the Integration:

  • Follow the on-screen instructions on the "Import Repository" page to select and import your desired repositories. This may involve specifying certain repositories or configuring settings related to the import process.

Last updated